머리말 Prologue Ⅰ. 영어 공부를 다시 시작하고자 하는 사람들을 위한 초급 소리 영어 Ⅱ. 초급자를 위한 '소리 영어'는 무엇인가? Ⅲ. '소리 영어' 학습 체계는 영양소를 골고루 갖춘 음식이다 Ⅳ. 소리클럽이 제안하는 학습 방법 Unit 1. Diseases(질병) 1. What happens to blood under high pressure? 2. What is snake poison made of? 3. Why do you get dizzy when you stand up? 4. What is obesity? 5. Can wet clothing really cause me to catch a cold? Unit 2. The Forces of Nature(자연의 힘) 1. Why does a rainbow come out? 2. What causes an explosion? 3. What causes an echo? 4. Has the melting of ice in Antarctica affected the plankton? 5. What causes the loud noise of thunder? Unit 3. Our Earth(지구) 1. Why do clouds block the sun? 2. How many gallons of water are in the Pacific Ocean? 3. How big were dinosaur eggs? 4. How were people first made? 5. Does El Nino affect the weather? Unit 4. Water(물) 1. Why don't oil and water mix? 2. What makes ice float? 3. What are the most dangerous icebergs? 4. How fast does an iceberg move? 5. Can a cactus survive without water? Unit 5. Matter(물질) 1. What is ink made of? 2. How can a submarine sink and float whenever it needs to? 3. Why does soap lather? 4. How much Mercury (Hg) does it take to hurt the environment? 5. How do you determine what percentage of gold is in 14K and 10K jewelry? Unit 6. Miscellaneous(기타) 1. Is it true that hot water will sit on top of cold water without mixing? 2. How fast does the hummingbird flap its wings? 3. What's the largest bird in the world? 4. Why doesn't a cactus need much water? 5. Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? 우리말 풀이 Unit 1. 질병 Unit 2. 자연의 힘 Unit 3. 지구 Unit 4. 물 Unit 5. 물질 Unit 6. 기타