머리말 Prologue Ⅰ. 영어 공부를 다시 시작하고자 하는 사람들을 위한 초급 소리 영어 Ⅱ. 초급자를 위한 '소리 영어'는 무엇인가? Ⅲ. '소리 영어' 학습 체계는 영양소를 골고루 갖춘 음식이다 Ⅳ. 소리클럽이 제안하는 학습 방법 Unit 1. Birds &insects(새와 곤충) 1. Do penguins have knees? 2. How do flies fly in the elevator? 3. How does a fly stick up to the wall? 4. How do you tell a male ladybug from a female ladybug? 5. Why do birds explode when they eat rice and we don't? Unit 2. Mammals(포유류) 1. Why do dogs chase cats? 2. Which animal has the most poisonous venom? 3. Why do dogs wag their tails when they're happy? 4. Why don't snakes have legs? 5. What is the fastest animal on Earth? Unit 3. Our Body (우리의 몸) 1. Why do we have fingernails? 2. How do freckles form? 3. Why are there wrinkles in the brain? 4. What makes your heart pump? 5. Why do your fingernails grow if they're dead? Unit 4. Inventions(발명품) 1. How do airplanes defy gravity? 2. Who invented money? 3. Why were headphones invented? 4. Why do you look into the telescope? 5. What was the earliest game ever made? Unit 5. Bodily Phenomenon(인체 현상) 1. How is it that a mosquito can infect a person with malaria, but cannot do the same with AIDS? 2. Why is yawning contagious? 3. Why do we sleep? 4. Why do we have dreams? 5. Why do we get tired? Unit 6. People(인간) 1. Would my clone have the same fingerprints as I do? 2. Which animal? most like a human being? 3. Are people ever attacked by animals at the South Pole? 4. Why do some people remember things they saw or did in the past, when others don't remember what they did the day before? 5. Why can't people breathe under water if the water has oxygen in it? 본문번역 Unit 1. 새와 곤충 Unit 2. 포유류 Unit 3. 우리의 몸 Unit 4. 발명품 Unit 5. 인체 현상 Unit 6. 인간