The Sound and the Fury (소리와 분노 English Version)

William Faulkner | 유페이퍼 | 2014년 11월 11일 | EPUB

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The Sound and the Fury is a novel written by the American author William Faulkner. It employs a number of narrative styles including the technique known as stream of consciousness pioneered by 20th-century European novelists such as James Joyce and Virginia Woolf. Published in 1929 The Sound and the Fury was Faulkner s fourth novel and was not immediately successful. In 1931 however when Faulkner s sixth novel Sanctuary was published?a sensationalist story which Faulkner later claimed was written only for money?The Sound and the Fury also became commercially successful and Faulkner began to receive critical attention.


William Cuthbert Faulkner (September 25 1897 July 6 1962) was an American writer and Nobel Prize laureate from Oxford Mississippi. Faulkner wrote novels short stories a play poetry essays and screenplays. He is primarily known for his novels and short stories set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County based on Lafayette County Mississippi where he spent most of his life.


판권 페이지
Part 1: April 7, 1928
Part 2: June 2, 1910
Part 3: April 6, 1928
Part 4: April 8, 1928
Appendix: Compson 1699?1945

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