Be an App Maker with BiPlug

BiPlug | 이페이지 | 2017년 09월 22일 | PDF

이용가능환경 : Windows/Android/iOS 구매 후, PC, 스마트폰, 태블릿PC에서 파일 용량 제한없이 다운로드 및 열람이 가능합니다.


전자책 정가 15,000원

판매가 15,000원


BiPlug is a tool which you can make your own native apps both in Anroid and iOS. Don't worry if you don't know any of programming or coding. The aim of this book is to make everyone's idea come true regardless of one's programming background. Create your unique and original app with BiPlug!


저자: Youngseouk Choi

Taekhoon Kim

Myoungwoo Lee

Hyungmin Kim

Seonghye Yoon




part1. Everything you need to know about developing an app

1. 'Apps' and 'App Development'

2. App Authoring Tools

3. App building strategies: Desing Thinking

4. Design thinking process

5. Information and structure of the App: Information architecture

part2. Simply follow instructions and create

part3. Creating my own app


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