외국인을 위한 운전면허 학과시험(영어)

온이퍼브 편집부 | 온이퍼브 | 2017년 11월 02일 | EPUB

이용가능환경 : Windows/Android/iOS 구매 후, PC, 스마트폰, 태블릿PC에서 파일 용량 제한없이 다운로드 및 열람이 가능합니다.


전자책 정가 5,000원

판매가 5,000원


- The correct answer was given to each question.
- All of the questions included 1,000 practice tests.
- Each of them included a picture of the actual situation.
- This is a description of road traffic and test questions for road traffic examinations for foreign driving test takers.
- It was published in three languages: English, Japanese, and Chinese.
- Road Traffic Authority, references to Public Data Portal materials.I184


* 온이퍼브 편집부


Driver's license test for foreigners
•Actual test 1000 question

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