책 정보
이 책의 활용법
*-비즈니스 이메일
1. First of all
2. be in charge of
3. I talked to you on the phone ~.
4. I am writing to+동사[in reply to+명사] ~.
5. Please+동사 ~.
6. Let me know ~.
7. Please find attached the ~.
8. I am so happy to+동사 ~.
9. I am sorry to+동사 ~.
10. We are pleased to+동사 ~.
11. We[I] look forward to -ing ~.
12. I was+감정형용사 ~.
13. Thank you for -ing ~.
14. Thank you for your+명사 ~.
15. Thank you for the+명사 ~.
16. We are sorry about+명사[to+동사] ~.
17. We (sincerely) hope that+주어+동사 ~.
18. We (sincerely) apologize for ~.
19. We would like to+동사 ~.
20. I would like to+동사 ~.
21. We would like you to+동사 ~.
22. Due to ~
23. Could you+동사 ~?
24. I would+동사 ~.
25. I would be+형용사 ~.
26. In response to ~
27. Regarding ~
28. In regard to ~
29. I am sorry (that)+주어+동사 ~.
30. I was wondering if ~
31. I want to+동사 ~.
32. May I ~?
33. I hope+주어+동사 ~.
34. Can you+동사 ~?
35. Congratulations (on~) .
1. May I speak to ~?
2. This is ~.
3. ~, please.
4. I'm afraid ~.
5. Would you like to ~?
6. I'll call ~. 제가
7. May I ~?
8. I'll[Let me] put you through (to) ~.
9. Would you ask ~?
10. Please ask ~.
[Business+] 전화가 잘못 걸려 왔을 때
11. Thank you for ~.
12. Could you ~?
13. Please ~.
14. If your message[call] is ~, please ….
15. I'm calling to ~.
16. I'd like to ~.
17. I'm sorry, but ~.
18. I'm calling[phoning] about ~.
19. Would it be possible to ~?
20. Can[Could] I ~?
[Business+] 기타 비즈니스 전화 영어 표현