Simon's Gift

이소우(신정범) | 이새의 나무 | 2011년 11월 03일 | EPUB

이용가능환경 : Windows/Android/iOS 구매 후, PC, 스마트폰, 태블릿PC에서 파일 용량 제한없이 다운로드 및 열람이 가능합니다.


전자책 정가 2,000원

판매가 2,000원


Christmas Musical

About Simon’s gift

Simon’s Gift is a children’s story about a short child named Simon who heals his psychological wound throughout the story by meeting baby Jesus.
In the beginning of the story, there is a scene of the children bullying Simon. This reflects the human instinct in which we feel satisfaction when making fun of other people’s weaknesses.
Bullying is very common in school playgrounds. Those children who are hurt can only overcome such issues in life through Jesus (However this cannot be done by human. This can be only achieved when our God approaches us. And He does approach us).
Simon’s Gift is not visible at the first glance. It is not something that others will envy or be jealous of (Nintendo, Smart Phone, Tablet PC will be wanted more). However those that are ignored and looked down on by others will definitely appreciate Jesus who recognizes their identity.
Of course, this is a story not an autobiography. However like baby Jesus in the story, Jesus kindly approaches people who are small and weak, like Simon. He recognizes each one of them as a special identity and helps them. He works through us to deliver His light by doing good deeds to others who are in need (we are Jesus’ light who are made to shine on earth).

Jesus wants you to have the smile of baby Jesus. Look around you now. You will see people who are hurt and are in need of the smile of baby Jesus. Approach them, make them feel special and smile. Through your smile the whole world will smile like the smile of baby Jesus. This is the message of Simon’s Gift.

Author Isow


이소우는 총신대 신학과를 졸업하고 건국대학교 대학원 동화미디어 창작학과에서 동화창작을 배웠습니다. 아이들에게 성경의 내용을 생동감 있게 전달하고 싶다는 소망을 늘 품고 있다가 다양한 작품과 찬양가사를 쓰고 있습니다.두란노서원 「예수님이 좋아요」에서 편집기자로도 일했으며 현재는 어린이 전문 전자책 출판사 '이새의 나무'의 대표로 일하고 있습니다.
지은 작품으로는 '시몬의 선물(이새의 나무), 베이커 베이커리(이새의 나무), 샬롬왕자이야기(파이디온), 가스펠의 천국여행기(투더헤븐)'등 다수가 있습니다.


About Simon's Gift

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