만능열쇠.마스터키The Master Key, by L. Frank Baum

L. Frank Baum | 뉴가출판사 | 2019년 06월 07일 | PDF

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만능열쇠.마스터키The Master Key, by L. Frank Baum
Rob 이란 청년의 전능한 활약을 그린 작품.
The Master Key
An Electrical Fairy Tale
슈퍼맨 원더우먼 오즈마법사 등 전능한 인간을 그린작품.


만능열쇠.마스터키The Master Key, by L. Frank Baum
Rob 이란 청년의 전능한 활약을 그린 작품.
The Master Key
An Electrical Fairy Tale



I. Rob's Workshop 1
II. The Demon of Electricity 9
III. The Three Gifts 18
IV. Testing the Instruments 29
V. The Cannibal Island 43
VI. The Buccaneers 60
VII. The Demon Becomes Angry 78
VIII. Rob Acquires New Powers 86
IX. The Second Journey 97
X. How Rob Served a Mighty King 104
XI. The Man of Science 126
XII. How Rob Saved a Republic 136
XIII. Rob Loses His Treasures 146
XIV. Turk and Tatar 160
XV. A Battle With Monsters 182
XVI. Shipwrecked Mariners 192
XVII. The Coast of Oregon 206
XVIII. A Narrow Escape 214
XIX. Rob Makes a Resolution 225
XX. The Unhappy Fate of the Demon 230

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