아라비안나이트 바도라공주.Princess Badoura,by Laurence Housman. A tale from the Arabian Nights

Laurence Housman | 뉴가출판사 | 2019년 07월 08일 | PDF

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아라비안나이트 바도라공주.Princess Badoura,by Laurence Housman. A tale from the Arabian Nights
Princess Badoura
A tale from the Arabian Nights
Retold by Laurence Housman
illustrated by
Edmund Dulac
Hodder and Stoughton
아라비안나이트의 바도라공주를 로렌스호스만이 다시 만들어서 둘락이 그림을 그림


Laurence Housman . 영미작가


아라비안나이트 바도라공주.Princess Badoura,by Laurence Housman. A tale from the Arabian Nights
List of Illustrations
Princess Badoura Frontispiece

Dahnash and Meymooneh
'At she rose up through thuds there
passed one she knew by his tail to
be Dahnash.'
The King of China and Badoura
'The King came in haste, and
found that which till now he had
only pretended, concerning his
daughter, apparently come true.'
Camaralzaman as an Astrologer
'At last the King heard him, and
said to the Vizier, "Go down and
bring the Astrologer in."'
Camaralzaman Cures Badoura
'She ran forth, and threw herself
into the arms of Camaralzaman.'
Camaralzaman Finds the Talisman
'The Prince saw the girdle, and
knotted within its folds, a large
Prince Camaralzaman and the Birds 72
'In the leaves overhead he saw one
furiously attacking another with
beak and claw.'
Badoura Watching the Ship
'It so happened as the ship came
into the harbour, Badoura was
looking out towards the sea.'
Capture of Camaralzaman
'The captain of the ship goes to
capture Camaralzaman at the
command of Badoura.'
The Final Marriage Procession 112

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