레오나도르 다빈치.Leonardo da Vinci, by Maurice W. Brockwell

Maurice W. Brockwell | 뉴가출판사 | 2019년 08월 26일 | PDF

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레오나도르 다빈치.Leonardo da Vinci, by Maurice W. Brockwell
레오나도르 다빈치 에 대해서 쓴책임.르네상스시대 이태리 화가.
"Leonardo," wrote an English critic as far back as
1721, "was a Man so happy in his genius, so
consummate in his Profession, so accomplished in
the Arts, so knowing in the Sciences, and withal, so
much esteemed by the Age wherein he lived, his
Works so highly applauded by the Ages which have
succeeded, and his Name and Memory still
preserved with so much Veneration by the present
Age―that, if anything could equal the Merit of the
Man, it must be the Success he met with. Moreover,
'tis not in Painting alone, but in Philosophy, too, that
Leonardo surpassed all his Brethren of the 'Pencil.'"
This admirable summary of the great Florentine
painter's life's work still holds good to- day.


Maurice W. Brockwell


레오나도르 다빈치.Leonardo da Vinci, by Maurice W. Brockwell

His Birth
His Early Training
His Early Works
First Visit to Milan
In the East
Back in Milan
The Virgin of the Rocks
The Last Supper
The Court of Milan
Leonardo Leaves Milan
Mona Lisa
Battle of Anghiari
Again in Milan
In Rome
In France
His Death
His Art
His Mind
His Maxims
His Spell
His Descendants

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