Storm- tossed―Wrecked―Deserted―Supper―We make swimming belts for the children―An anxious night―The gale moderates―We
examine our cargo―Jack introduces two new acquaintances―How
shall we get on shore?―Jack's plan―We adopt it―The use of a
lever―Our tub- boat completed―Another night on the wreck―We
collect the cargo―And embark―Jack's friends will not be left
behind―Steer for the shore―Once more on land―We erect a tent―
Glue soup―Jack makes the acquaintance of a lobster―Ernest shirks
the water―Oysters and salt―How shall we eat our soup?―Ernest
solves the difficulty―Fritz returns―The sucking pig―How to open
an oyster and how to eat it―The dogs devour the agouti―Fritz's
anger―Our first night in the new country, 1
Spring and its accompanying work―The mysterious guns―Who fired
them―A storm―Fritz and I reconnoiter―The English brig―We visit
her in the yacht―Captain Littlestone―We are cordially welcomed―
Mr. Wolston and his family―An earnest consultation―Our visitors at
Rockburg―The supper―Who is for Europe and who for New
Switzerland?―The decision―Farewell, 358