A real life success story of overcoming depression and social anxiety disorder within an hour

jin-kyu kong | apps-country | 2013년 04월 01일 | EPUB

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◆ Do you feel a deep sense of fear nervousness anxiety and depression in your heart everyday? ◆ Do you fear meeting others? ◆ Do you fear standing in front of others? ◆ Are you struggling with your studies despite wanting to do well? ◆ Is your child inattentive and not able to do well in school? Seek consultation from a psychiatrist now. Take medication if possible and go for counseling regularly. Pray piously while living a religious life. And then the depressing emotions today will evolve into joy after an hour.


Author Jin-gyu Gong This is an inspiring story of how the author overcame depression through endurance dedication diligence faith medical science and the power of prayers to become a fifth grade official in special government service before 30 years old despite suffering from severe depression and social anxiety disorder since young. I hope that you too may conquer depression social anxiety disorder and school underachievement today with this book.


publication rights
- Table of Contents -
- Depression was awaiting me even before I was born
-countinue - Depression was awaiting me even before I was born

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