Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll | 디즈비즈북스 | 2020년 09월 23일 | EPUB

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“Alice in Wonderland” is a story about the adventures Alice met in Wonderland and the rabbit burrow after chasing a clock rabbit with a pocket watch. Regardless of her will the protagonist Alice repeatedly grows and grows and encounters various animals and people that are sometimes strange and sometimes clumsy. They all have their own stories but they both help and teach Alice. But Alice doesn t get overwhelmed by anything she just asks and answers herself and continues her adventure.


Charles Rutweed Dodgson is a British author mathematician photographer and deacon of the Anglican Church widely known under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. Born January 27 1832 Deisbury UK Date/place of death 14 January 1898 Guilford England Real Name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Artwork Xie Kitchin Alice Liddell as "The Beggar Maid" Venue San Francisco Museum of Modern Art National Portrait Museum of Scotland Poetry Jaberwaukee The Walrus and the Carpenter.


CHAPTER I.Down the Rabbit-Hole
CHAPTER II.The Pool of Tears
CHAPTER III.A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale
CHAPTER IV.The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill
CHAPTER V.Advice from a Caterpillar
CHAPTER VI.Pig and Pepper
CHAPTER VIII.The Queen’s Croquet-Ground
CHAPTER IX.The Mock Turtle’s Story
CHAPTER X.The Lobster Quadrille
CHAPTER XI.Who Stole the Tarts?
CHAPTER XII.Alice’s Evidence

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