이화여자대학교 영문과를 졸업하고 아르헨티나에서 3년 거주 후 미국에서 미술사, 인류학 석사과정을 수학하고 그래픽디자인 석사학위를 받았다. 귀국 후 디자인과 관련된 일, 영어강사 그리고 부동산업 등 다양한 분야의 일에 종사하였으며, 2017년 이후 책표지 디자인과 삽화를 직접 그려 넣은 다섯 권의 책 『Miraculous Smile and 0ther Writings』, 『Jessica』, 『Rosa』, 『Tony in the Woods』 그리고 『What Happened with June』을 출간하였다.
HakJin Kim graduated from Ewha Woman's Unversity with the bachelor's degree in English literature. She has lived in Argentina for three years, and then in the U.S. for ten years, studying art history, anthropology and graphic design in graduate schools. She received her Master of Fine Arts from UIC. After settling down in Seoul, she got involved in various areas of work including graphic design, English teaching and real estate agency. Since 2017 she has published five books with her own illustrations and book cover design---Miraculous Smile and 0ther Writings, Jessica, Rosa, Tony in the Woods and What Happened with June.