Ulysses S. Grant

Walter Allen | 책보요여 | 2020년 11월 19일 | EPUB

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Ulysses S. Grant is a short overview of the life of a great general and a president. Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) was an American soldier and politician who served as the 18th president of the United States from 1869 to 1877. Before his presidency Grant led the Union Army as Commanding General of the United States Army in winning the American Civil War. #남북전쟁 #율리시스S.그랜트 #전기 #영어 #원서


Walter Allen(1840-1907) was a correspondent writer and editor on various newspapers including the Boston Advertiser.


Front page
I. Our National Military Hero
II. His Ancestry
III. The Period of Youth
IV. His Lifework Appointed
V. Love and War
VI. Years of Dormant Power
VII. The Summons of Patriotism
VIII. From Springfield to Fort Donelson
IX. Shiloh, Corinth, Iuka
X. Vicksburg
XI. New Responsibilities?Chattanooga
XII. Lieutenant-General, Commander of all the Armies
XIII. The Wilderness and Spottsylvania
XIV. From Spottsylvania to Richmond
XV. In Washington among Politicians
XVI. His First Administration
XVII. His Second Administration
XVIII. The Tour of the World
XIX. Reverses of Fortune?Ill Health?His Last Victory?The End

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