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적그리스도. 敵그리스도.The Book of The Antichrist, by F. W. Nietzsche
안티크리스트는 1-62항목으로됨.
반기독교, 안티그리스트에 대해서 쓴책. 니체는 원래 독일에서 카톨릭의 신부수업을 하다가 철학자가됨.
Save for his raucous, rhapsodical autobiography, “ Ecce Homo,” “ The
Antichrist” is the last thing that Nietzsche ever wrote, and so it may be
accepted as a statement of some of his most salient ideas in their final
form. Notes for it had been accumulating for years and it was to have
constituted the first volume of his long- projected magnum opus, “ The Will
to Power.” His full plan for this work, as originally drawn up, was as follows:
Vol. I. The Antichrist: an Attempt at a Criticism of Christianity.
Vol. II. The Free Spirit: a Criticism of Philosophy as a Nihilistic
Vol. III. The Immoralist: a Criticism of Morality, the Most Fatal Form of
Vol. IV. Dionysus: the Philosophy of Eternal Recurrence.
The first sketches for “ The Will to Power” were made in 1884, soon
after the publication of the first three parts of “ Thus Spake Zarathustra,”
and thereafter, for four years, Nietzsche piled up notes
Title: The Antichrist
Author: F. W. Nietzsche
Translator: H. L. Mencken