Woman in Sacred History

Harriet Beecher Stowe | 책보요여 | 2021년 02월 01일 | EPUB

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#전기 #해리엇 비처 스토 #성경(구약과 신약)에 등장하는 여성들만을 정리해서 엮은 책 #기독교 #영어 #원서 #사라 #드보라 #유디트 #들릴라 #성녀 마리아 #한나 #라합 #미리암 #에스더 #막달라 마리아 #사마리아 여인 The object of this book will be to show in a series of biographical sketches a history of Womanhood under Divine culture tending toward the development of that high ideal of woman which we find in modern Christian countries.


Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American abolitionist and author. She came from the Beecher family a famous religious family and is best known for her novel Uncle Tom s Cabin (1852).


Front page
The Illustrations Of This Volume
Part I. Women Of The Patriarchal Ages
1. Sarah The Princess
2. Hagar The Slave
3. Rebekah The Bride
4. Leah And Rachel
Part II. Women Of The National Period
5. Miriam, Sister Of Moses
6. Deborah The Prophetess
7. Delilah The Destroyer
8. Jephtha's Daughter
9. Hannah The Praying Mother
10. Ruth The Moabitess
11. The Witch Of Endor
12. Queen Esther
13. Judith The Deliverer
Part III. Women Of The Christian Era
14. Mary The Mythical Madonna
15. Mary The Mother Of Jesus
16. The Daughter Of Herodias
17. The Woman Of Samaria
18. Mary Magdalene
19. Martha And Mary
About the Author

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