Come out of her, my people

Hyun Eun Lee | 좋은땅 | 2021년 05월 28일 | PDF

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In Revelation 18:4-5, God says to us:
“And I heard another voice from heaven saying,
“Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and
lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven,
and God has remembered her iniquities.”

The voice of God, crying out: “Come out of her, my people”, “Do not share her sins”, “Do not receive her plagues”, “Come out of her, my people”, continued to resound from my hearts.
What we can realize from these words are:
The Lord’s people can also receive plagues.
If we do not come out of it, we will be partakers of its sins.
If we share in her sin, we will suffer the plagues that she will suffer.
The reason for God’s earnest cry for us to come out of her is so understandable.
The Lord desperately wants us to get out of it.
But do we know what it is to get out of her, how can we come out of her, and from where do we have to come out?
We will need an honest question to ask if we know the answers to these questions and that question will be a very important question for all of us living in these end times.
- (from Chapter 37)


|Master’s Degrees|
Master of Divinity(Talbot School of Theology)
Master in Applied Economics(Johns Hopkins University)

|Doctorate Degree|
Doctor of Management in Organizacional Leadership(University of Phoenix)


1 The Dark Things of the End Time and the Revival of our Heart 7
2 God’s Truths that the Masons Exclude 11
3 The Lie as Truth, the Truth as Lie 19
4 My Value 25
5 Win-Win and All-In 32
6 To have Eternal Life 37
7 The Standard of our Boasting and Praise 43
8 The Reason to be Stubborn52
9 The Blessing of Life that Dies Every Day 59
10 The Righteous will Live by Faith 64
11 The Desire of God 71
12 The Center of our Hearts 75
13 Our True Power Hidden by Satan 80
14 Decision 87
15 The Reason for Refusing to be United 93
16 Doing Good in a Passive Capacity 97
17 The Level of Love 105
18 Imitated Attributes of God 112
19 The Torch of Revival 123
20 The Instrument of Revival 130
21 The Accuser and the Mediator 137
22 The Secret of the Tower of Babel 143
23 ?Hope that Awaits the Fulfillment of the 1260-year Prophecy 149
24 Looking Back on the Fulfillment of the Prophecy 157
25 Preterism and Futurism 163
26 Watch 168
27 How Not to Build a Tower of Babel…175
28 Remember the Former Things of Old, For I am God 181
29 If Anyone Comes to Me187
30 Satan’s Deception 193
31 All Are Yours 202
32 A Crucial Question 210
33 A False Surrender 219
34 Sovereignty 229
35 Fresh Water and Bitter Water 236
36 The Reason His Feet are Tied 240
37 Come Out of Her, My People 247
38 An Undeniable Fact 254
39 He Who Overcomes 269
40 Shine Like the Stars Forever and Ever 274


Notes 296

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