Fowler 의 영국 (표준 정통) 영어. The King’s English by H.W. Fowler

H.W. Fowler | 뉴가출판사 | 2021년 03월 24일 | PDF

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Fowler 의 영국 (표준 정통) 영어. The King’s English by H.W. Fowler
형제인 Fowler 는 여러 영어 사전및 영국영어의 사용에 관한 책을 저술하였고 뉴질랜드에서도 영어 선생을 하였음.
이책은 영국영어의 단어 어휘 문장구조 문법 문체들의 여러 영어의 사용법을 설명한책으로 초보자보다는 영어를 연구하고 공부한 사람에게 필요한책. 어드반스 영어공부에서 중요한 책.
1. the King's English and the President's English. 국왕의 영어(영국영어)와 대통령의 영어(미국어).
2. King's English . King's English may refer to: Received Pronunciation, a form of English language pronunciation The King's English , a book on English usage and grammar, first published in 1906
3. Garner's Modern English Usage . W. Burchfield The King's English by H. W. Fowler and F. G. Fowler The Standard of Usage in English by Thomas R. Lounsbury Writer's Guide and Index to English by Porter G. Perrin Dos, Don'ts & Maybes of English Usage by Theodore M. Bernstein On Writing Well by William Zinsser How to Be Brief: An Index to Simple Writing by Rudolf Flesch.
4. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage
Fowler and his younger brother, Francis George Fowler (1871?1918), wrote and revised The King's English (1906), a grammar and usage guide. Assisted in the research by Francis, who died in 1918 of tuberculosis contracted (1915?16) whilst serving with the British Expeditionary Force in the First World War (1914?1918), Henry dedicated the first edition of the Dictionary to his late brother.
5. The King's English is a book on English usage and grammar. It was written by the brothers Henry Watson Fowler and Francis George Fowler and was published in 1906; it thus pre-dates by 20 years Modern English Usage, which was written by Henry alone after Francis's death in 1917.
The King's English is less like a dictionary than Modern English Usage; it consists of longer articles on more general topics such as vocabulary, syntax, and punctuation and draws heavily on examples from many sources throughout. One of its sections is a systematic description of the appropriate uses of shall and will. The third and last edition was published in 1931, by which time Modern English Usage had superseded it in popularity.


Fowler 의 영국 (표준 정통) 영어. The King’s English by H.W. Fowler
영국의 영어 학자.
H.W. Fowler (1858?1933). The King’s English, 2nd ed. 1908.


Fowler 의 영국 (표준 정통) 영어. The King’s English by H.W. Fowler
Chapter I. Vocabulary
Chapter II. Syntax
Chapter III. Airs and Graces
Chapter IV. Punctuation

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