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아우구스투스황제의 업적을 기린 기념건축물 글. The Book of Monumentum Ancyranum,The Deeds of Augustus, by Emperor Augustus
아우구스투스황제의 업적을 기린 기념건축물 글 로서,
로마황제인 아우구스투스황제의 업적을 기린 글로 사원의 제사글로 지금의 앙카라지방에서 발견된 도시에서 발굴된 글로서 , 로마 라틴어 그리크어 영어로서 이책에 기술되고 ,미국의 펜실바니아 대학교에서 출간된 책자.
Temple of Augustus and Rome . Monumentum Ancyranum
Besides being one of the most important Roman period ruins in the city, it is also known for Monumentum Ancyranum . This is an inscription about the works of Augustus, who was considered the first Roman emperor, throughout his life. It is the most complete copy of Res Gestae Divi Augusti that has survived to the present . Temple of Augustus and Rome is an augusteum located in Altında? district of Ankara. It is thought to have been built around 25-20 AD. Besides being one of the most important Roman period ruins in the city, it is also known for Monumentum Ancyranum. This is an inscription about the works of Augustus, who was considered the first Roman emperor, throughout his life. It is the most complete copy of Res Gestae Divi Augusti that has survived to the present day, as the original in Rome had disappeared