프롤로그(Prologue). 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 999선을 읽어야 하는 7가지 이유
조명화 편집장의 9가지 키워드로 읽는 나다니엘 호손(Nathaniel Hawthorne)
01. 주홍글씨가 아니라, 주홍글자?!
02. 세일럼 마녀 재판(Salem witch trials)(1692)
03. Hathorne? Hawthorne!
04. 보든 칼리지(Bowdoin College)(1821~1825)
05. 첫 작품 팬쇼(Fanshawe)(1828)를 불태우다
06. 두 번 해준 이야기(Twice Told Tales)(1837, 1842)
07. 세관(The Custom-House)(1846~1849)
08. 14대 미국 대통령 프랭클린 피어스의 전기(1852)를 쓴 이유는?
09. 오디오북(Audio Books)으로 듣는 나다니엘 호손(Nathaniel Hawthorne)
나다니엘 호손의 연애편지Ⅰ{Love Letters of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume 1 (of 2) by Nathaniel Hawthorne}(1907)
Wednesday Afternoon, March 6th, 1839
Boston, April 2d, 1839
Wednesday, April 17th, 1839?4 o'clock P.M.
Boston, April 30th, 6 P.M., 1839
Salem, May 26th, 1839
Boston, July 3d, 1839
Boston, Monday Eveg July 15th [1839]
Wednesday eveg. July 17th [1839]
Boston, July 24th, 1839?8 o'clock P.M.
Boston, July 30th, 8 (or thereabouts) P.M. [1839]
Custom House, August 8th, 1839
Boston, August 21st, 1839
Boston, August 25th, 1839
Boston, September 23d 1839. ½ past 6 P.M.
Custom House, October 10th, 1839?½ past 2 P.M.
Boston, October 3d, 1839. ½ past 7 P.M.
Boston, October 23d, 1839?½ past 7 P.M.
Custom House, Novr. 14th [1839]
Boston, Novr. 15th?very late [1839]
Boston, Nov. 17, 1839?6 P.M. or thereabout.
Boston, Novr. 19th, 6 P.M., [1839]
Boston, Novr. 20th, ½ past 8 P.M., [1839]
Boston, Novr. 25th, 1839?6 P.M.
Boston, Novr. 29th, 1839?6 or 7 P.M.
Custom-House, Novr. 30th [1839]
Boston, December 1st, 1839?6 or 7 P.M.
Boston, Decr. 5th, 1839?5 P.M.
Boston, Decr. 11th, 1839?7 P.M.
Boston, Decr. 18th, 1839?nearly 7 P.M.
Boston, December 24th, 1839. 6 or 7 P.M.
Boston, Jany. 1st, 1840. 6 o'clock P.M.
Boston, Jany. 3d, 1840?3 P.M.
Boston, Jany. 24th, 1840?4 P.M.
Boston, February 7th, 1840?½ past 3 P.M.
Boston, Feby. 11th, 1840?7 P.M.
Boston, March 11th, 1840?2 P.M.
Boston, March 15th, 1840?Forenoon.
(Fragment only)
Boston, March 26th, 1840?Afternoon.
Boston, March 30th, 1840?5 or 6 P.M.
Boston, April 3d, 1840.?Evening.
Custom-House, April 6th, 1840. 5 P.M.
Boston, April 15th, 1840.?Afternoon.
Boston, April 19th, 1840.?Forenoon.
Boston, April 21st, 1840.?Custom-House.
Boston, May 15th, 1840.
Boston, May 19th, 1840
Boston, May 29th, 1840.?6 P.M.
Boston, June 2d, 1840?Before Breakfast
Boston, June 11th, 1840?5 or 6 P.M.
Boston, June 22d, (Monday) ½ past 4 [1840]
Boston, July 10th, 1840?Morning
54 Pinckney St., August 9th [1840]
54 Pinckney St. August 24th, ¼ past 6 P.M. [1840]
54 Pinckney St. Sept. 18th, 1840. 8 o'clock P.M.
Salem, Oct. 4th, 1840?½ past 10 A.M.
Salem, Novr. 27th, Friday [1840]
Salem, Jany. 12th, 1841
Salem, Jany. 27th, 1841?½ past 2 P.M.
54 Pinckney St., 12 o'clock A.M. Monday [1841]
54 Pinckney St., March 12th,?Sunday [1841]
Salem, March 18th, 1841
Pinckney St., April 4th, [1841]
부록(Appendix). 세계의 고전을 여행하는 히치하이커를 위한 안내서(The Hitchhiker's Guide to Worlds's Classics)
A01. 하버드 서점(Harvard Book Store) 직원 추천 도서 100선(Staff's Favorite 100 Books) & 판매도서 100위(Top 100 Books)
A02. 서울대 권장도서 100
A03. 연세필독도서 고전 200선
A04. 고려대학교 세종캠퍼스 권장도서 100선
A05. 서울대, 연세대, 고려대 공통 권장도서 60권
A06. 성균관대학교 오거서(五?書) 성균 고전 100선
A07. 경희대 후마니타스 칼리지(Humanitas College) 교양필독서 100선
A08. 포스텍(포항공대) 권장도서 100선
A09. 카이스트(KAIST) 독서마일리지제 추천도서 100권
A10. 문학상 수상작 및 추천도서(44)
A11. 영어고전(English Classics) 오디오북을 무료로 듣는 5가지 방법(How to listen to FREE audio Books legally?)
A12. 영화·드라마로 만나는 영어고전(Movies And TV Shows Based on English Classic Books)
테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 999선
테마여행신문 TTN Korea 도서목록(1,171)