프롤로그(Prologue). 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 999선을 읽어야 하는 7가지 이유
▶ 10가지 키워드로 읽는 알렉상드르 뒤마(Alexandre Dumas)(1802~1870)
01. 복수극의 완성자, 알렉상드르 뒤마(Alexandre Dumas)(1802~1870)
02. 레지옹 도뇌르 훈장(ordre national de la L?gion d’honneur)(1837)
03. 달타냥 로망스(The d'Artagnan Romances) 3부작(1844~1850)
04. 몽테 크리스토 백작(The Count of Monte Cristo)(1844~1846)
05. 클럽 데스 하시신스(Club des Hashischins)(1844~1849)
06. 위대한 프랑스인(The Greatest Frenchman) 68위(2005)
07. 구글 두들(Google Doodle)(2020)
08. 알렉상드르 뒤마(Alexandre Dumas)를 만나는 장소 TOP12
09. 오디오북(Audio Books)으로 듣는 알렉상드르 뒤마(Alexandre Dumas)
10. 알렉상드르 뒤마(Alexandre Dumas) 어록(Quotes)(100)
▶ 알렉상드르 뒤마의 45명의 근위병Ⅱ(The Forty-Five GuardsmenⅡ by Alexandre Dumas))(1847)
LI. Chicot's Astonishment at finding himself so popular in Nerac
LII. How they hunted the Wolf in Navarre
LIII. How Henri of Navarre behaved in Battle
LIV. What was passing at the Louvre about the Time Chicot entered Nerac
LV. Red Plume and White Plume
LVI. The Door opens
LVII. How a great Lady loved in the Year 1586
LVIII. How St. Maline entered into the Turret and what followed
LIX. What was passing in the mysterious House
LX. The Laboratory
LXI. What Monsieur Francois, Duc d'Anjou, Duc de Brabant and Comte de Flanders, was doing in Flanders
LXII. Preparations for Battle
LXIII. Monseigneur
LXIV. Monseigneur
LXV. French and Flemings
LXVI. The Travelers
LXVII. Explanation
LXVIII. The Water
LXIX. Flight
LXX. Transfiguration
LXXI. The two Brothers
LXXII. The Expedition
LXXIII. Paul-Emile
LXXIV. One of the Souvenirs of the Duc d'Anjou
LXXV. How Aurilly executed the Commission of the Duc d'Anjou
LXXVI. The Journey
LXXVII. How King Henri III. did not invite Grillon to Breakfast, and how Chicot invited himself
LXXVIII. How, after receiving News from the South, Henri received News from the North
LXXIX. The two Companions
LXXX. The Corne d'Abondance
LXXXI. What happened in the little Room
LXXXII. The Husband and the Lover
LXXXIII. Showing how Chicot began to understand the Purport of Monsieur de Guise's Letter
LXXXIV. Le Cardinal de Joyeuse
LXXXV. News from Aurilly
LXXXVII. Certainty
LXXXVIII. Fatality
LXXXIX. Les Hospitali?res
XC. His Highness Monseigneur le Duc de Guise
▶ 부록(Appendix). 세계의 고전을 여행하는 히치하이커를 위한 안내서(The Hitchhiker's Guide to Worlds's Classics)
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A10. 문학상 수상작 및 추천도서(44)
A11. 영어고전(English Classics) 오디오북을 무료로 듣는 5가지 방법(How to listen to FREE audio Books legally?)
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테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 999선
테마여행신문 TTN Korea 도서목록(1,560)