Love of God and the Personality of Jesus

Written by Pastor Park | 좋은땅 | 2023년 05월 19일 | EPUB

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The Lord said “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” Love is forgiveness, and the true symbol of our forgiveness from God is forgiving others. Also, we understand others as a symbol of being understood by God, and accept others as a symbol of acceptance of God. The Lord’s Prayer also says that one who forgives others can be forgiven.
What is really important to us is a life after belief. Resembling the personality of Jesus and loving a life is a life of a saved one. God called us because He wants us to change in a way we resemble Jesus, a man of personality.


Written by Pastor Park

Born in 1949
Bachelors of Theology at Keimyung University (Th. M)
The Second senior pastor of Mount Zion Church, Gyeongju
Wrote about 70 sermon books encompassing international and domestic spirit
Orientalism and Chinese Neijia Expert
Presents the first 名師 of Chinese International Taichi

Translated by Junggwon Seok

Born in 1998 in Daegu, South Korea
Studied in Smithtown Christian School, New York (2013~2017)
Currently a Student at Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy in Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (2017~)
Currently Serving in Republic of Korea Marine Corps


Revelation Written during the Fight against Japanese Imperialism (Pastor Dong Gi Park, the first senior pastor)
Man from Future is Dignified, 2016, 좋은땅
Unrighteous Person Eventually Collapses, 2017, 좋은땅
DNA of Poverty and the Curse of the Winner, 2018, 좋은땅
A Mature Christian, 2019, 좋은땅
Creation, Chaos and Restriction, 2019, 좋은땅
The Word of God and Orientalism, 2019, 좋은땅


Introduction …4

1. Three Secrets of Messiah …8
2. Triangular Network of Love, Knowledge and Insight …20
3. Importance of Practice …31
4. Proportional Miracle of Love and Belief …44
5. Stand by Love, Stand by Belief …57
6. The Meaning of Cleansing …67
7. Three Tenses of Belief …81
8. Appreciate Psalm 107 …91
9. Choice and Responsibility in Christ …105
10. Determinations of Shod, the Heavenly Assembly …111
11. New Interpretation of Curing Febris of Peter’s Mother-in-Law …123
12. Crucifixion and Blessings of Abraham …132
13. The Path of a Teacher, and the Path of a Student …140
14. Kinds of Beliefs …149
15. The End of Paul’s Second Evangelism …158
16. Jesus Curing Stroke and Blindness with a Distinct Perspective …171
17. Belief is Immediate Response and Submission …183
18. The Reason Jesus Did not Fast …193
19. Blessed are Those Poor in Spirit …207
20. Why are Those Who Mourn Blessed? …220
21. Transcendence and Inherence …234
22. How is God’s Providence Achieved? …241
23. Manage Stress Through Meekness and Humility …253
24. Do This and You Will Live …265
25. God’s ‘Justice’ …275
26. Guidelines of Forgiveness in Christ …285
27. Which Life Seeks God? …295
28. Peace Maker …302
29. Learn Apostle Paul’s Life …308
30. Ethnic and International Nehemiah, Ezra and Daniel …328
31. What do We not Thank for? …344
32. Know the Blessings of God and Be Thankful …357
33. Love in the Commandments and the Commandments in Love …366
34. Be Salt and Light Enthusiastically …376
35. Categorical Commands of Jesus …386
36. Overcome the Old DNA in Christ …400

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