Korean folk tales: imps, ghosts and fairies (영문판)

James S. Gale | 온이퍼브 | 2013년 12월 16일 | EPUB

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『Korean folk tales imps, ghosts and fairies』는 1913년 선교사 로스가 우리설화를 영어로 번역한 것으로 우리나라 설화집 50여 편을 원작자인 ‘임방(任?)’ 원고에서 발췌하여 묶은 한국의 고전 단편 민속설화집이다. 그중 ‘이육’이 쓴 30여 편 단편은 일본출판사에서 1911년에 출간되었다.


James S. Gale(1863~1937)

캐나다 출생, 한국이름 기일(奇一)
한국 첫 캐나다 장로로선교사, 교육자, 동양전문가
토론토대학 YMCA 선교사로 한국에 파견
한국 성경번역 회원 활동과 한국관련 서적 번역사업
한영사전(한국최초 영어사전) 출간
한국음악협회 조직, 경신·정신학교를 재건, 연동교회 담임목사 역임
다수 한국문학(구운몽) 등 영어로 번역 한국을 소개

<대표 저서>

Korean-English Dictionary, Korean Sketches, the Vanguard, Korea in Transition
History of the Korean People, The Cloud Dream of the Nine 등 다수


Episode1 Charan
Episode2 The Story of Chang To-Ryong
Episode3 A Story of the Fox
Episode4 Cheung Puk-Chang, The Seer
Episode5 Yun Se-Pyong, The Wizard
Episode6 The Wild-cat woman
Episode7 The Ill-Fated Priest
Episode8 The Vision of the holy man
Episode9 The Vision of the man of god
Episode10 The Literary man of Imsil
Episode11 The Soldier of Kang-wha
Episode12 Cursed by the snake
Episode13 The Man of the road
Episode14 The Old man who became a fish
Episode15 The Geomancer
Episode16 The Man who became a pig
Episode17 The Old woman who became a goblin
Episode18 The Grateful ghost
Episode19 The Plucky maiden
Episode20 The Resourceful wife
Episode21 The Boxed-up governor
Episode22 The Man who lost his legs
Episode23 Ten Thousand devils
Episode24 The Home of the fairies
Episode25 The Honest witch
Episode26 Whom the king honours
Episode27 The Fortunes of Yoo
Episode28 An Encounter with a hobgoblin
Episode29 The Snake’s revenge
Episode30 The Brave magistrate
Episode31 The Temple to the god of war
Episode32 A Visit from the shades
Episode33 The Fearless captain
Episode34 THE King of Yom-Na(Hell)
Episode35 Hong’s experiences in hades
Episode36 Haunted houses
Episode37 IM, The Hunter
Episode38 The Magic invasion of Seoul
Episode39 The Awful little goblin
Episode40 God’s way
Episode41 The Old man in the dream
Episode42 The Perfect priest
Episode43 The Propitious magpie
Episode44 The 'Old Buddha'
Episode45 A Wonderful medicine
Episode46 Faithful MO
Episode47 The Renowned maing
Episode48 The Senses
Episode49 Who Decides, god or the king?
Episode50 Three Things mastered
Episode51 Strangely stricken dead
Episode52 The Mysterious Hoi Tree
Episode53 Ta-Hong

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