존 A 워커: 영국 미들섹스 대학 미술·디자인사 학부의 교수이다. 전문 영역은 현대미술과 매스 미디어, 미술과 사회의 관계 등이다. 미술비평가로 활발하게 활동했으며, 저서로는Glossary of Art, Architecture and Design since 1945(1st ed., London, Bingley, 1973), Van Gogh Studies: Five Critical Essays(London, JAW, 1981), Art in the Mass Media(London, Pluto, 1983), Cross-overs: Art into Pop, Pop into Art(London, Comedia, 1986), Design History and the History of Design(London, Pluto, 1989), Art and Artist on Screen(Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1993), Arts TV: a History of Arts Television in Britain(London, Libbey, 1993), John Latham-the Incidental Person: His Art and Ideas(London, Middlesex University Press, 1995), Cultural Offensive: America's Impact on British Art since 1945(London, Pluto Press, 1998), Art and Outrage: Provocation, Controversy, and the Visual Arts(London, Pluto Press, 1999) 등이 있다.