1. 인사(Greetings)
2. 소개(Introductions)
3. 신상(Personal History)
4. 약속(Appointments)
5. 전화(The Telephone)
6. 길 안내(Directions)
7. 교통(Transportation)
8. 주유소(At the Gas Station)
9. 쇼핑(Shopping)
10. 식당(In the Restaurant)
11. 술집(In the Bar)
12. 병원(In the Hospital)
13. 은행(At the Bank)
14. 여행(Traveling)
15. 해외여행(Overseas Traveling)
16. 날짜, 요일, 시간(Asking the Date, the Day, and the Time)
17. 여가(Leisure Time)
18. 대화(Conversations)
19. 가능한 다른 표현들(Other Useful Expressions)