
도서정보 : 조훈철 | 2015-08-20 | EPUB파일

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세기말 현대 자본주의하의 젊은이들이 느끼는 공허함과 외로움을 써나가고 싶었다. 수많은 사건이 일어나고 잊히는 상황 속에서 무엇 하나 제대로 기억하고 추억하지 못하는 세대가 되어버린 90년대 학번들의 사랑과 우정을 표현하고 싶었다. 이미 사상과 운동권은 힘을 잃고 사라져가고 있고 IMF를 통해 생활은 어려워졌다. 경쟁은 치열해지고 사회는 너무도 복잡해져 가기만 한다. 대학생들은 무언가에 열심히 매달리지만 그 무엇도 구하지 못하고 현실과 타협해 갈 뿐이다. 직접적으로 표현하지 않았지만 이런 것들의 결과나 그 단면의 결과물로써 나와 앙마, 미희, 혜리를 그리고 싶었다.
10년쯤 지난 일은 기억 속에서도 단편적으로만 남게 된다. 그리고 누구도 그것을 확신하지도 못한다. 그러한 것들을 짧은 글의 나열을 통해서 표현해 보고 싶었다. 구성상 짧게 번호를 매겨 나간 것은 그러한 이유에서였다. 과거는 콩트 같은 추억의 단편들과도 같다.
이 글은 환상과 기억, 무모함과 무관심, 눈이 내리는 것 같은 무순서의 혼란으로 남아있는 90년대의 편린들인 것이다.

구매가격 : 5,000 원


도서정보 : Charles Lutwidge Dodgson | 2015-08-19 | EPUB파일

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Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1872) is a novel by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865). Set some six months later than the earlier book, Alice again enters a fantastical world, this time by climbing through a mirror into the world that she can see beyond it. Through the Looking-Glass includes such celebrated verses as "Jabberwocky" and "The Walrus and the Carpenter", and the episode involving Tweedledum and Tweedledee. The mirror which inspired Carroll remains displayed in Charlton Kings.

구매가격 : 3,000 원


도서정보 : 윤영진 | 2015-08-18 | EPUB파일

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본문중에서 인터넷에 좀비 JPG.란 제목으로 사진 한 장이 올라왔다. 사진은 어떤 이의 걸어가는 뒷모습이었다. 밤 중에 찍은 사진이고 급하게 찍었는지 흔들려 제대로 알아볼 수 없고 비스듬한 구도의 어두운 형체의 인물은 사진에서 반쯤 잘려나가 있었다. 이 한 장의 사진으로 잠잠하던 새벽 인터넷 커뮤니티들은 순식간에 달아올랐고 네티즌들은 조작인지 아닌지 새벽 내내 설왕설래를 하였다. 야간 편의점 아르바이트 생 현수. 퇴근시간이 다가오는 새벽시간. 현수는 괴이한 장면을 목격하게 되는데..

구매가격 : 2,000 원


도서정보 : Annie Keary, Eliza Keary | 2015-08-18 | EPUB파일

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Norse mythology is the body of mythology of the North Germanic people stemming from Norse paganism and continuing after the Christianization of Scandinavia and into the Scandinavian folklore of the modern period. The northernmost extension of Germanic mythology, Norse mythology consists of tales of various deities, beings, and heroes derived from numerous sources from both before and after the pagan period, including medieval manuscripts, archaeological representations, and folk tradition.

Numerous gods are mentioned in the source texts such as the hammer-wielding, humanity-protecting thunder-god Thor, who relentlessly fights his foes; the one-eyed, raven-flanked god Odin, who craftily pursues knowledge throughout the worlds and bestowed among humanity the runic alphabet; the beautiful, seiðr-working, feathered cloak-clad goddess Freyja who rides to battle to choose among the slain; the vengeful, skiing goddess Skaði, who prefers the wolf howls of the winter mountains to the seashore; the powerful god Njörðr, who may calm both sea and fire and grant wealth and land; the god Freyr, whose weather and farming associations bring peace and pleasure to humanity; the goddess Iðunn, who keeps apples that grant eternal youthfulness; the mysterious god Heimdallr, who is born of nine mothers, can hear grass grow, has gold teeth, and possesses a resounding horn; the jötunn Loki, who brings tragedy to the gods by engineering the death of the goddess Frigg's beautiful son Baldr; and numerous other deities.

Most of the surviving mythology centers on the plights of the gods and their interaction with various other beings, such as humanity and the jötnar, beings who may be friends, lovers, foes or family members of the gods. The cosmos in Norse mythology consists of Nine Worlds that flank a central cosmological tree, Yggdrasil. Units of time and elements of the cosmology are personified as deities or beings. Various forms of a creation myth are recounted, where the world is created from the flesh of the primordial being Ymir, and the first two humans are Ask and Embla. These worlds are foretold to be reborn after the events of Ragnarök, when an immense battle occurs between the gods and their enemies, and the world is enveloped in flames, only to be reborn anew. There the surviving gods will meet, and the land will be fertile and green, and two humans will repopulate the world.

Norse mythology has been the subject of scholarly discourse since the 17th century, when key texts were brought to the attention of the intellectual circles of Europe. By way of comparative mythology and historical linguistics, scholars have identified elements of Germanic mythology reaching as far back as Proto-Indo-European mythology. In the modern period, the Romanticist Viking revival re-awoke an interest in the subject matter, and references to Norse mythology may now be found throughout modern popular culture. The myths have further been revived in a religious context among adherents of Germanic Neopaganism.

구매가격 : 4,000 원

가짜 팔로 하는 포옹

도서정보 : 김중혁 | 2015-08-17 | EPUB파일

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소설가 가운데 이이만큼 "잡(雜)"한 자 또 있을까. 좋은 걸 좋게 볼 줄 아는 타고난 심미안의 소유자니 그간의 삶이 꽤나 피곤했을 거라 짐작도 해보거니와 동시에 그가 전력에 도통 바닥이란 게 나지 않는 무한한 호기심의 별에서 왔을 거란 확신도 해본다. 그렇다고 뭐, 그가 "어른" "왕자"란 얘기는 아니다. 어쩌면 "평범하고 작고 눈길 가지 않는" 이 시대 평범한 남자들의 대부가 또한 이이가 아닐까 해서다. 서두가 길었다. 우리 시대의 또 한 명의 독특한 이력의 소유자인 김중혁 작가의 얘기다. 그리고 그의 신작 소설집 『가짜 팔로 하는 포옹』을 막 꺼내든 참이다. 숫자로 치자면 네번째 소설집이고, 그의 입을 빌리자면 첫번째 연애소설집이다. 대놓고 연애라니, 그렇다면 주요한 테마를 "사랑"으로 잡았다는 얘기인데 세상 그 어떤 소설이 사람에 대한 사랑이 아니고서 쓰일 수 있겠냐마는 그럼에도 "김중혁이 이야기하는 남과 여"는 보다 특별해 보이는 게 사실이다. 왜? 서두에 밝혔듯이 그는 "잡(雜)"한 남자니까. 잡종은 원래 변종과 별종을 낳는 법이니까.

구매가격 : 9,100 원


도서정보 : 박범신 | 2015-08-17 | EPUB파일

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2008년부터 2010년까지 1년 간격으로 작가는 장편소설 『촐라체』 『고산자』 『은교』를 펴냈다. 2015년 박범신은 『촐라체』 개정판을 문학동네에서 출간함으로써 그간 혼잣말처럼 불러왔던 "갈망 3부작"을 현실화했다. 세 작품 중 가장 먼저 쓰여진 『촐라체』를 작가가 가장 나중에 다듬어 자신의 "갈망 3부작"을 완결한 셈이다. 박범신은 『촐라체』 개정판을 준비하며 원고를 정성껏 고치고 다듬으며 소설의 서사를 더욱 예리하게 벼려냈다(그 과정에서 200여 매 이상의 원고를 덜어냈다). 또 개정판 편집 과정에서 촐라체 주변 지형이나 방위, 고도 등의 사실관계를 바로잡고, 낯선 히말라야 지형에 대한 독자의 이해를 돕기 위해 권두에 "촐라체 주변 지형도"를 덧붙였다.

구매가격 : 9,500 원


도서정보 : Carlo Collodi | 2015-08-17 | EPUB파일

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Dear Boys and Girls,—Let us hope that none of you has been so unfortunate as to have missed the pleasure of watching sometime or other a puppet show. Probably Punch and Judy is the one you know best, but there are many others with jolly little fellows who dance in and out of all sorts of adventures. So you can imagine Pinocchio, the hero of this book, as one of those lively puppets. And, in case you have never read the earlier book about him, you will want to know something of what happened to him before you meet him in these pages.

One day a poor carpenter, called Master Cherry, began to cut up a piece of wood to make a table-leg of it when, to his utmost amazement, the piece of wood cried out, "Do not strike me so hard!" The frightened carpenter stopped for a moment, and when he began again and struck the wood a blow with his ax the voice cried out once more, "Oh, oh! you have hurt me so!" The carpenter was now so terrified that he was only too glad to turn the piece of wood over to a neighbor, Papa Geppetto, who cut it up into the shape of a boy puppet, painted it, and named it Pinocchio—which means "a piece of pinewood." As soon as he had finished making him, Pinocchio grabbed the old man's wig off his head and started in to play tricks. Papa Geppetto then taught the puppet to walk, and when naughty Pinocchio discovered he could use his legs, he ran away. Then began all kinds of adventures, and Pinocchio was sometimes naughty and selfish, and sometimes kind and considerate, but always funny and jolly.

In this new book Pinocchio's heart has grown through love and consideration for others, so that he becomes a real boy and takes part in the war to help his beautiful country, Italy.

구매가격 : 4,000 원


도서정보 : Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson | 2015-08-16 | EPUB파일

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The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses is an 1888 novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. It is both an historical adventure novel and a romance novel. It first appeared as a serial in 1883 with the subtitle "A Tale of Tunstall Forest" beginning in Young Folks; A Boys' and Girls' Paper of Instructive and Entertaining Literature, vol. XXII, no. 656 (Saturday, 30 June 1883) and ending in the issue for Saturday, 20 October 1883—Stevenson had finished writing it by the end of summer. It was printed under the pseudonym Captain George North. He alludes to the time gap between the serialisation and the publication as one volume in 1888 in his preface "Critic [parodying Dickens's 'Cricket'] on the Hearth": "The tale was written years ago for a particular audience…" The Paston Letters were Stevenson's main literary source for The Black Arrow.

구매가격 : 3,000 원

The Jungle Book

도서정보 : Joseph Rudyard Kipling | 2015-08-15 | EPUB파일

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The Jungle Book (1894) is a collection of stories by the English author Rudyard Kipling. Most of the characters are animals such as Shere Khan the tiger and Baloo the bear, though a principal character is the boy or "man-cub" Mowgli, who is raised in the jungle by wolves. The stories are set in a forest in India; one place mentioned repeatedly is "Seonee" (Seoni), in the central state of Madhya Pradesh.

A major theme in the book is abandonment followed by fostering, as in the life of Mowgli, echoing Kipling's own childhood. The theme is echoed in the triumph of protagonists including Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and The White Seal over their enemies, as well as Mowgli's. Another important theme is of law and freedom; the stories are not about animal behaviour, still less about the Darwinian struggle for survival, but about human archetypes in animal form. They teach respect for authority, obedience, and knowing one's place in society with "the law of the jungle", but the stories also illustrate the freedom to move between different worlds, such as when Mowgli moves between the jungle and the village. Critics have also noted the essential wildness and lawless energies in the stories, reflecting the irresponsible side of human nature.

The Jungle Book has remained popular, partly through its many adaptations for film and other media. Critics such as Swati Singh have noted that even critics wary of Kipling for his supposed imperialism[1] have admired the power of his storytelling.[1] The book has been influential in the scout movement, whose founder, Robert Baden-Powell, was a friend of Kipling's.[2] Percy Grainger composed his Jungle Book Cycle around quotations from the book.

구매가격 : 3,000 원

The Pilgrim's Progress children can read

도서정보 : JOHN BUNYAN | 2015-08-14 | EPUB파일

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It may seem a very bold undertaking to change even a word of the book which, next to the Bible, has been read by more people, old and young, than any other book in the English language.

But, it must be remembered that, although the Pilgrim's Progress has come to be a children's book, and is read more often by young people than by those who are older, it was not in the purpose of John Bunyan to write a book for children or even for the young.

The Pilgrim's Progress was a book for men and women; and it was aimed to teach the great truths of the gospel. Hence while most of it is written in a simple style,—as all books should be written,—it contains much that a child cannot understand; not often in the story, but in the conversations and discussions between the different persons. Some of these conversations are in reality short sermons on doctrines and teachings which Bunyan believed to be of great importance. But these are beyond the minds of children and give them great trouble when the book is read. They do not like to have them left out of the reading, thinking that they may lose something interesting. Many a young person has [6]stumbled through the dull, doctrinal parts of the book, without understanding them; and even grown people find them in our time somewhat of a blemish upon the wonderful story, valuable as they were supposed to be in Bunyan's own time.

For many years it has been in my mind, not to re-write the Pilgrim's Progress, for that would destroy its greatest charm, but to change the words here and there to simpler ones, and to omit all the conversations and arguments concerning subjects belonging to the field of doctrine; in other words to place the story of the Pilgrim's Progress in such a form that every child ten years old can understand it. My purpose is to make it plain and interesting to children, leaving the older form of the book to be read by them when they become older.

Perhaps a short account of Bunyan's own life may add to the interest of his book. John Bunyan was born in 1628 at Elstow, a small village near Bedford, which is in the heart of England. His father was a poor man, traveling on foot from place to place mending pots and pans and the simple furniture of country kitchens, and the son followed the same trade, and was known as a "tinker." He tells us that he lived a wild life, and was especially known as one of the worst swearers in the region.

When the great Civil War broke out in England, in 1642, between King Charles the First and the Parliament, Bunyan became a soldier on the side of the Commonwealth, as the party against the[7] king was called. He served in the army between 1644 and 1646.

In 1648, at the age of twenty years, he married a good young woman, who led him to prayer and to a new life. But it was hard for one who had led such a life as his had been to turn to God, and it cost the young man a great struggle. It seemed to him that his past sins were like a load upon his back, just as he afterward wrote of his "pilgrim," and it was long before he found peace.

He became a member of a little Baptist society, and soon began to preach. Crowds came to hear him, drawn by his earnest spirit and his quaint striking manner. But when Charles the Second became king, no religious services were allowed except those of the Church of England, and all other meetings were forbidden. Bunyan however went on preaching, until he was sent to prison in Bedford. In Bedford jail he stayed twelve years. To find a means of living in jail, he made lace, and sold it as a support for himself and his blind daughter.

If the prison was hard for Bunyan his sufferings were made a blessing to untold millions, for while in Bedford jail he wrote the Pilgrim's Progress. This story was intended to be a parable, like many of our Saviour's teachings; that is, it put into the form of a story the life of one who turns from sin, finds salvation through Christ, and in the face of many difficulties makes his way through this world to heaven. Even a child who reads or[8] listens to the book will see this meaning in part; and he will understand it better as he grows older.

In 1672 Bunyan was set free, and allowed to begin again his work as a Baptist minister, and he soon became one of the most popular preachers in all England. He died quite suddenly in 1688, when he was sixty years old, and is buried in an old graveyard now near the center of London, called Bunhill Fields Burial-ground. In the same ground is buried another great writer, Daniel DeFoe, whose story of "Robinson Crusoe" ranks next to the Pilgrim's Progress in the number of its readers; also Isaac Watts, the author of many hymns sung in all the churches, and Mrs. Susanna Wesley, the mother of the great John Wesley. Four people who have left a deep mark upon the world, all lie near together in this small cemetery in London.

Every child should read the Pilgrim's Progress as a story if no more than a story; should read it until he knows it by heart. And the older he grows the deeper will be the meaning that he will see in it.

구매가격 : 3,000 원