오일석유경쟁을 차지하기위한 전세계 싸움.The World-Struggle for Oil, by Pierre l'Espagnol del la Tramerye
PART I. The World's Oil.
Chap. I. "Who Has Oil Has Empire!" 9
II. Oil: Its Origin, Discovery, and History 21
III. Amazing Increase in Consumption:
Fears of the United States 34
PART II. The Struggle of the Trusts.
Chap. IV. The Standard Oil Company 45
V. The Royal Dutch- Shell 59
VI. The Oil World's Napoleon: Henry
Deterding 84
PART III. The Struggle between the Powers.
Chap. VII. The Europeanische Petroleum Union: a
German Trust for the Control of
European Oil which founders in the
Great World Conflict 97
VIII. The War and Oil 101
IX. An Imperialism not without Greatness 110
X. The Struggle between Great Britain
and the United States in Mexico 113
XI. A State- subsidised Company: the
Anglo- Persian
XII. An American Balkanism: the British
Controlled Oil- fields
XIII. Political Tendencies of the Royal- Dutch: the British Oil Empire 147
XIV. How the United States lost Supremacy
over Oil 151
XV. The American Retort 178
XVI. From Washington to Genoa: the
Struggle for the Oil- fields of Russia 184
PART IV. France's Part in the Struggle between
Great Britain and the United States.
Chap. XVII. The Cartel of Ten 201
XVIII. The Petroleum Consortium 207
XIX. How Great Britain Succeeded in
Winning France over to Her Side in the
Struggle with the United States 215
XX. Great Britain and the Oil- fields of the
French Colonial Empire 234
XXI. The Standard and France 239
XXII. Conclusion: the World in 1923 244