호주의 새들 제3권.The Birds of Australia, Vol. 3 of 7, by John Gould
Erythrodryas rhodinogaster Pink-breasted Wood-robin 1
―― rosea, Gould Rose-breasted Wood-robin 2
Petroica multicolor Scarlet-breasted Robin 3
―― erythrogastra Norfolk Island Robin 4
―― Goodenovii Red-capped Robin 5
―― phœnicea, Gould Flame-breasted Robin 6
―― bicolor, Swains Pied Robin 7
―― fusca, Gould Dusky Robin 8
―― superciliosa, Gould White-eyebrowed Robin 9
Drymodes brunneopygia, Gould Scrub Robin 10
E?psaltria Australis Yellow-breasted Robin 11
―― griseogularis, Gould Grey-breasted Robin 12
―― leucogaster, Gould White-bellied Robin 13
Menura superba, Dav. Lyre-Bird 14
Psophodes crepitans Coach-whip Bird 15
―― nigrogularis, Gould Black-throated Psophodes 16
Sphenostoma cristata, Gould Crested Wedge-bill 17
Malurus cyaneus Blue Wren 18
―― longicaudus, Gould Long-tailed Wren 19
―― melanotus, Gould Black-backed Wren 20
―― splendens Banded Wren 21
―― elegans, Gould Graceful Wren 22
―― pulcherrimus, Gould Beautiful Wren 23
―― Lamberti, Vig. & Horsf. Lambert’s Wren 24
―― leucopterus, Quoy & Gaim. White-winged Wren 25
―― melanocephalus, Vig. & Horsf. Black-headed Wren 26
―― Brownii, Vig. & Horsf. Brown’s Wren 27
Amytis textilis Textile Wren 28
―― striatus, Gould Striated Wren 29
―― macrourus, Gould Large-tailed Wren 30
Stipiturus malachurus Emu Wren 31
Dasyornis Australis, Vig. & Horsf. Bristle-Bird 32
―― longirostris, Gould Long-billed Bristle-Bird 33
Atrichia clamosa, Gould Noisy Brush-bird 34
Sphenœacus galactotes Tawny Sphenœacus 35
―― gramineus, Gould Grass-loving Sphenœacus 36
Acrocephalus Australis, Gould Reed Warbler 37
―― longirostris, Gould Long-billed Reed Warbler 38
Hylacola pyrrhopygia Red-rumped Wren 39
―― cauta, Gould Cautious Wren 40
Cysticola magna, Gould Great Warbler 41
―― exilis Exile Warbler 42
―― lineocapilla, Gould Lineated Warbler 43
―― isura, Gould Square-tailed Warbler 44
―― ruficeps, Gould Rufous-headed Warbler 45
Sericornis citreogularis, Gould Yellow-throated Sericornis 46
―― humilis, Gould Sombre-coloured Sericornis 47
―― osculans, Gould Allied Sericornis 48
―― frontalis White-fronted Sericornis 49
―― lævigaster, Gould Buff-breasted Sericornis 50
―― maculatus, Gould Spotted Sericornis 51
Sericornis magnirostris, Gould Large-billed Sericornis 52
Acanthiza pusilla Little Brown Acanthiza 53
―― Diemenensis, Gould Tasmanian Acanthiza 54
―― Ewingii, Gould Ewing’s Acanthiza 55