I want to live in a dream

Hee min park | 미네쟁어의 서재 | 2013년 07월 01일 | EPUB

이용가능환경 : Windows/Android/iOS 구매 후, PC, 스마트폰, 태블릿PC에서 파일 용량 제한없이 다운로드 및 열람이 가능합니다.


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Novel s title is an ironical expression. Gods live forever but human are mortal beings and must die. The characters of the novel are seeking eternal life. After trying for several times They broke the taboo. The characters are living in the confined space. Already the earth s environment is so bad it isn t true. So they are living in a bunker. The hero is one of those people. His name is Percy. Percy is an ordinary student.


Percy had been living in a bunker for 20 years. All students have a limited life. Percy is disgusted with prosaic everyday. Always in Percy s mind Escape plan is located. Percy was on his successful Escape. However due to the interference of anyone always Percy s plan has failed. However whenever he can to try again. its identity is hidden in the novel. Can Percy runaway from the school?


판권 페이지
Chapter 1: DREAM
Chapter 2: Friends
Chapter 3: Deja vu
Chapter 4: Mobius strip

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